Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Number 4 In Our World

When I place my main character, number 4, in in the world we live in today he would do very well. He would do well because he has super powers he has hands that light up like flashlights, he is immune to fire, has super strength, has enhanced hearing, can run fast, and has telekanisis. He would would do well at sports because of his super strength and speed. My main character would handle the future well because he wouldnt be hunted down my the Mogadorians and he could live out his life without fear.

Enhancing My Reading Experience

"No time like the present, she says. We strap our bags across her shoulders and she grabs them both with her hands, then makes herself invisible, causing the bags to disappear as well. She rushes out the door to take them to the truck without being seen."
It enhances my reading experience because I now know what these kids have to go through so they don't get cought by either the government or the bad aliens, the Mogadoriens. It shows the extent they have to go to, to do simple tasks like take their bags out to the car.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Main Character Relation

The main character in The Power of Six is John Smith on the left. He is related to Harry Potter on the right because both of them are one of a kind, they are being hunted down by bad people. In Johns case it is Setrakus Ra and for Harry it is Voldemort.Also they both are trying to avenge their fallen friends for John its numbers 1-3 and for Harry its his parents and friends. The authors are both saying that you can't hide from your destiny, and you can always beat the odds stacked against you.


I choose this picture because my favorite character is immune to fire. This shows a hand on fire so that shows it can stand it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My favorite character in the book is John or number 4. I like him because he has super powers. He has hands that light up like flashlights, he is immune to fire, has super strength, can run fast, and has telacanices. If he were to see $100 dollars on the ground he would pick it up and keep it. He would keep it because he is the most wanted person in the United States also he would get cought if he went to the authorities. Which is pretty badass.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why I Choose This Book

I choose the book "The Power of Six" because i watched and read the previous book called "I am number 4" and loved them. The books are about people that have powers who are from another planet, who are being hunted down by other aliens. There is only 6 of their race left, so they must fight the aliens hunting them down. This book is about their fights with the other aliens.